Physical preparation for golf based on science rather than myth
We cut through the b.s., the misinformation and the 'throw a load of stuff at the wall and see what sticks approaches' that dominate golf fitness to deliver proven science-based interventions to ensure you perform your best when and where it matters most - on the course!

1. Support
& play

2. Increase clubhead speed

3. Aid technical improvements
Develop the physical robustness required for a long playing career, and the sheer number of repetitions of a high stress movement like the golf swing, that are required to develop skill and maximise performance in the game of golf.
In the modern game speed is currency. Research shows, golfers who hit it further shoot lower scores, earn more money and win more. In short, if you want to compete at the top you need to be able to hang with the bombers.
By removing the golfers particular physical constraints we open up new movement options and create the largest possible canvas upon which they can build the masterpiece that is their unique swing.
Who we've helped
We bring together the best science related to human performance - strength and conditioning, biomechanics, mindset, habit formation, etc - to help you maximise your availability and readiness to practice and play, increase your clubhead speed and ultimately perform at your best. And the proof is in the results...
Professional players on tours around the world. Including winners on both sides of the Atlantic
Senior major events
Project tour school, The golf college (run by Denis Pugh) and Kent Golf College
Published by TPI,, Sunday Telegraph, etc
Presented on S&C at England Golf Conference

Play better golf tomorrow!
Our 'Primed2Perform' ebook is 20+ pages stuffed full actionable information, habits and tips to help you prepare for your next round and give yourself the best chance of playing as well as you can!

How to optimise movement through strength training

How to individualise power development for your golf swing

When you should train 'golf specific' and when you shouldn't

Why you need to train outside the sagittal plane

The exact exercises we use to train golfers day in day out

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